Montfort Hospital Living Wall


The Vision

Orléans Health Hub — an innovative model of care that brings together integrated health and community services under one roof — wanted to reduce the stress of healthcare visits by harnessing the ability of nature to soothe, promote well-being and improve patient outcomes.

The Details

In collaboration with the “Forget For A Moment” Foundation a living wall was created in the waiting room of the Services for Seniors program and is one of a kind in Canada. Measuring 31 square meters (300 square feet) in the shape of a butterfly wing, the design was a nod to the foundation’s butterfly logo.


Glass bubbles by local glass artist Jean-Simon Trottier

Orléans, Ontario
Living Wall

“I have been a volunteer at the Orléans Health Hub since its opening in June 2021. After a few weeks off, I found myself in front of the floral wall with a patient in the geriatric section. After settling Ms. Brenda (real name) in front of the wall, waiting for her appointment, she exclaimed “Gorgeous!” She told me that the wall brightened her wait. A few minutes later, another patient told me that she liked the wall because it was refreshing. I thought I would pass on these spontaneous reactions to you because I know that you are the instigator of this project. Bravo, what a great initiative!”

Yves Labbé, volunteer at the Orléans Health Hub
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